I brewed a hefeweizen and wanted to add real raspberries into the secondary. Friend of mine did this with 5lb strawberries and it was great. I know raspberries are stronger in taste so I thought of scaling it back to 3lb. Since the are not in season I picked up 3lb of frozen from whole foods. I was going to thaw them out then, and then blanch them in boiling water. Is this a good way to prepare them to add in the secondary? Also do you agree with 3lb? I am wondering how to add to the secondary. Cut them up or puree them in food processor? Just throw them in and they will sink to the bottom or put in a cheese cloth or similar bag?
Any tips are appreciated.
I’m not a fruit beer fan, but I do brew one for my wife occasionally. I would go with Oregon Raspberry Puree if you can find it. There are no seeds and the flavor is excellent. Much more convenient. The amount is a matter of preference. I think a can of it adds alot of raspberry flavor, but it might be just the amount you want.
My LHBS sells it by the way. If yours doesn’t, you might be able to find it online.
Williams Brewing carries it in 3lb cans