Reaching FG

I brewed an (Imperial) Red Ale 10 days ago (posted in another topic), OG was 1.070, and I was hoping for a FG of 1.016. I checked for the second time today and it seems to be stuck at 1.020. Looks like the fermentation is pretty much done. I’ve agitated the carboy to rouse the yeast two days ago and it didn’t change. Is there anything I can do to drop it a couple points? I’d like to get it to 1.018 at least… Or should I just call it good, dry hop and cold crash??

Call it good and package.

Hard to say without full details, but yeah, 71% ADF is likely done.

8.5 lbs Maris Otter, 1.75 lbs Vienna, 1.5 lbs Cara Ruby, 15oz Crystal 80, 7.5oz Crystal 120… Mashed 60 minutes at 152°, boiled 80 minutes.
1oz NB at 80, 0.5oz Amarillo and Columbus 30min, 0.5oz Amarillo and Columbus 15 min, 1oz Centennial at flame out.
Pitched a 1200mL WL001 starter.

Too much cara/crystal?

Maybe? Not familiar with cara ruby, but that is a fairly substantial amount of c80 and c120. I’d call it done

That’s what I was thinking as well. Thanks!!

So, I have never racked to a secondary, but I was thinking about it this time. Would it help with clarity? Is it worth doing at all?

If you’re trying to drop a few more points, racking to secondary is the last thing you want to do. Removing the beer from most of the yeast will guarantee your FG stays where it’s at. I say move it to a warmer room (or raise temp however you do it to around 75F), rouse gently,  and give it a week. If FG hasn’t changed by then, package and drink.

Yes, I was just resigned to the current FG and ready to move on.

How does it taste? if it tastes good and the gravity is no longer changing just package and enjoy. if it still seems a bit too sweet try rousing and raising the temp again.

if you want to try pitching a big, active, healthy starter at high krausen you MIGHT be able to drop it a couple more points.

This is good advice!

I moved it to a warm room (73°) and I’ll check it Christmas day, then I’ll crash it regardless if it changes… Thanks for the advice!!

Jflo, where did you wind up on this one?

Stayed at 1.020, 6.56%… Although 75.2 IBU’s, it has a nice sweet malty backbone.