So a few weeks ago, I placed an order with an online homebrewing vendor. I received the order, and it was clearly not mine. I contacted them and they told me I could keep the order and that they would re-send my order.
I’ve been all-grain brewer since I started out, and I’ve never done an extract batch. The person whose order I received, is definitely an extract brewer. What can I do with this:
3.15 lbs Gold Malt (Malted Barley) - Maillard
3.15 lbs Wheat Malt (65%W/35%M) - Maillard
1 lb Dry Plain Wheat Malt (55%W/45%M)
2 oz Fuggles (3.8%)
1 oz Sweet Orange Peel
1 oz Bitter Orange Peel
4 oz Corriander Seeds
It looks to me initially like a Witbier recipe? 4 oz of corriander is way too much though.
I brew 5-gallon batches and haven’t done an extract batch before. We just had our first son and he’s a month old so the idea of a 1.5 - 2 hr brew day instead of my usual 4 - 5 hours is very appealing.
Do you all have any suggestions and how I can cobble together a decent receipe? I work near a solid LHBS and can pick up ingredients to beef it up.
Definitely a witbier recipe. They may only sell coriander seeds in that volume. Not sure the recipe calls for all of the orange peel either. If you want to brew a witbier you can look at the witbier recipes on the AHA site for ideas about how much orange peel and coriander to use.
Alternatively you could brew it as an American wheat or a wheat-y pale ale by using little to no spices and more hops.
Sounds like Northern Brewer. Years ago they sent me a 50 lb. sack of DME by mistake. I think I made starters out of that for 5 years. At the end, it had turned into hard DME brickettes. But it still made good starters.