Recipe Help


Just joined the forums to look for help on my first “original” recipe. I was inspired by “The Mighty Oat” episode 4 of the brew files to use oat in an American IPA to make it similar to that New England style described in the episode.

I wanted to post the recipe so more experienced brewers could tell me if I am missing something in the recipe that will cause it to fail out of the gate. Any and all help/advice is appreciated!

I am using a 5 gallon cooler mash tun and using the batch sparge method.

Citra is in whole leaf and Calypso in pellets (cost consideration)


.5 oz Citra

9lb Pale 2-row

1lb 11.2 oz Oats, flaked (toasted as Drew described in episode 4 of brew files. This specific amount because thats the final amount I ended up with)

8 oz Rice Hulls

1lb Munich 20L


.5 oz Citra 60 min

.5 oz Citra 40 min

.5 oz Calypso 20 min

.5 oz Calypso 15 min

1/2 Whirlfloc Tablet 15 min

.5 oz Calypso 10 min

.5 oz Calypso 5 min

Safale US-05 for the Yeast

Dry Hop with 2 oz of Citra for last 7 days.

Let me know if you think this will work or if I am missing something or attempting to combine flavors that just do not work. Appreciate it!

I think that recipe could be good, but you might want to have a bigger hop addition at the end.  0.5oz isn’t all that much, but it depends on how intense you want to have the hop character.  For me, I would probably be more like 1 or 1.5 oz of each for the last addition or maybe put more at the dry hop stage.  I haven’t used Calypso, so I can’t speak to that.

On the grain bill, I think you could leave out the rice hulls.  At 10% of the grist, you won’t have problems with it getting stuck.  I regularly use 10% oats (or more) and never use rice hulls.  I do tend to have the mash on the thinner side (higher water to grain ratio) which maybe helps that.

More hops? Sounds good! Haha.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll up the hops at the end And give it a try. Hopefully it turns out well.

There is another thread going about cites and calypso together, so you might want to check that out too.

Personally I would eliminate the mash hop and move everything between 60 and flameout to a whirlpool addition, less whatever you need to increase the 60 minute addition to hit desired IBUs. Y

If you are really trying to hit that NEIPA feeling you may want to switch out yeast for WY London Ale III. They also tend to use enormous amounts of hops, you probably need to include another couple ounces in the dry hop or whirlpool but could easily get into 12-16 ounces of hops to get that overpowering hop flavor.

Agreed…mash hopping has never shown me any benefit.

FWIW, several of us on another forum were discussing the fact that we’ve all gone back to more traditional hop schedules after trying whirlpool hops and hop stands.  We all seem to get better results more easily that way.  For me, 60, 10, flameout and dry hop are what I do for hop forward beers.

Denny, is the conclusion of “the bitter truth” episode that adding hops at flameout is only effective if you don’t cool down too quickly?

I will rearrange the hop schedule. I appreciate the help guys!