Recipes for Okara?


I need some recipes for おから.  Especially if they use or allow rice, since I add a small amount of rice to sweeten and thicken the soya milk.  I’m sure you could mix this stuff into burgers instead of bread crumbs, but I doubt it would work as well.

Of course, packable lunch food is good.  Anything that turns into a power bar is pretty neat too, since that would get me to work.  Lunch served hot requires me to resort to the microwave at work; served cold is not as satisfying.  Things served warm I tend to just keep out of the fridge, which is usually good.

Anyway, it’s food left over after making other food.

Maybe I can turn it into Boca Burgers…

Well, they’re always good sliced and fried - yummy!  Also, just about any gumbo recipe will benefit from their addition.


Mr Pibb. Now that’s the kind of soda I’d like to sit down and have a beer with.

make okra pickels. mmmmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue:

This makes me wonder whatever happened to the Okararidge Boys.  :-\  Used to love that old song “Wake Up Little Susie”.

I’m guessing that you’re pulling bluefoxcity’s leg with these responses…but just in case…

you DO know that okra (the green gooey vegetable) and okara (the byproduct of tofu and soymilk making) are totally unrelated, right?

C’mon, don’t spoil our fun :frowning:

Sorry bout that…didn’t mean to be a pill.

I really wasn’t sure. :-
But it reminds me of a girl I dated dring the college years…I once told her that my Mom had made some rugelach to have with coffee after dinner.
The girl was puzzled as to why we were having ‘green salad stuff’  for desert. 
(She evidently thought we’d all be trying to dunk  arugula in our coffee).

I hear the Okra Winfrey show went off the air.