Recommend a mail-order beer store please

I would like to get access to beers that are not available in my area.  Since it is lawful to mail beer, I’m investigating some online mail-order stores.  Any recommendations?

This will be interesting to follow

Ha, the only place I’ve ever ordered from is in Portland!

All I can offer is wishes of good luck with your endeavor.

It sounds like a great idea but in Iowa the whole market is tightly controlled by the State.  Anything being shipped into the state is subject to all import duties, taxes and distribution regulations as the beer on your grocer’s shelves.  Since you’re already paying retail the taxes are calculated on that value.  It gets very expensive, very fast.

My wife and I looked at one of those wine-of-the-month things a few years back.  Seemed like a fun idea but at check out when you put in a Iowa address the monthly fee went from ~$50/mo to ~$115/mo.  It lost some of it’s appeal at that point.  ::slight_smile:

I hope you find a good source.


John’s Grocery in Iowa has a pretty amazing selection of beer, including a staggering selection of imports.  I know they do (did) ship beer…

Searched Ayinger- no results
Searched Augustiner- no results
Closed page


Ha… I have not checked their selection in a while.  I know they are (were) very heavy on Belgian beers in particular.  Probably not as up to par on german beers.  Woodman’s in LaCrosse WI always seemed to have a pretty solid selection of german styles… not sure if they ship though.

It’s all good, I am lucky to have a totalwine within about 25 minutes of me, so I can pretty easily get my fix…Infact I think they ship as well.

Anyone seeking German beers… Know the bottle codes ya’ll.

For real. I’ve got 1 year old WO sitting on the shelves in my local stores.

I swear, I have to google Weihenstephaner’s codes every time I go to buy it. A CIA codebreaker would stumped for a few minutes figuring it out. Being somewhat cynical, I suspect it’s to get people to just break down and buy it, not knowing how old it could be. ;)  Awesome brewery, though.


It looks like they deliver to WA, and have stores there.

Quality and craft

Hmmmmm… just went and checked out their website again (for the first time in quite a while)… Not sure what they did (or if it is finished) but they changed a lot about their site.  Very hard to sort and navigate the beers they have.  They do ship to most states though.  Seems like they are missing huge amounts of the beers they have and it does not sort anything very effectively. Wondering if they are in the process of changing something or maybe they only ship some of the beer they have??  Because they have a lot more beer than what is on the site.

I know they are in PNW but you should join the email list for Bring on the Beer just for the hilarity of their release emails.