recommended Settings for a digital therm controller

I was using an analog therm controller but based on recommendations from a previous thread here I upgraded to digital - in hopes of making my new chest freezer last a long time.  I am using it in a serving freezer and was wondering what you guys recommend in terms of settings.

SP - set mine to 42
Dif - 3
ASD - 10
OFS (temp offset) - 0 default setting (not sure what this does)
SF - not sure I got to this one yet.

Thanks guys!

I also have mine set to 42*

‘SF’ means Sensor failure, I set this to 0 (which = off)
‘OFS’ I have set to 0 (only applies to BIN operation)
‘Asd’ I have set to 1  (short cycle delay)
‘diF’ I have set to 1 (the cut in/cut out from the setpoint)  This keeps the temperature from fluctuating too wildly.

Hope that helps!