Reconditioned Taps not Moving Smoothly

Hey all, when I recently got back into brewing, I completely tore down my keezer, replaced all lines, and dismantled my Perlicks to soak and scrub. When I did, I didn’t isolate each tap’s parts, i.e they were all mixed together. They are all the same model, so I can’t imagine that is an issue. Once I got them back together and in use, a few of them feel a little “rough” when opening/closing. Any ideas?

I actually just took one apart, and the top ball (bearing) is ever so slightly scuffed. I’m guessing I need to replace the floating O-ring. Hopefully the bearing is not ruined…

Edit: just ordered all new o-rings for all six taps.

Update, for anyone interested. I received all new gaskets and bearing cups from Keg Connection for my Perlick taps. But after I got them, I noticed that the old bearing cup had some slight buildup in it, beer stone I’m assuming. Anyway, I used a Dremel with a soft polishing pad to polish the cup and ball, rinsed it thoroughly, and it is smooth as silk again! Woohoo!

My keezer sat abandoned for close to 3 years, so that was probably the contributing factor.
