Woohoo let’s give blood and drink a pint! 8)
I wish I could get Dogfish Head 90 Minute here. I’d give a pint for a pint!
Great story, I’m due to donate again . . . I just need to find a drive and an offer
Wonder if this is going to give Sam an idea for another beer… :o
Cool story though.
Boudin Noir in a beer… I’m good thanks.
Nice article… Cheers!!!
Boudin with a glass of red wine, some St. Maure chevre and a good baguette is pretty much as close to heaven as I’ll ever get.
Proof that beer + giving blood is a good thing after all. I just got my gallon pin Wednesday ;).
Proof that beer + giving blood is a good thing after all. I just got my gallon pin Wednesday ;).
I’ve donated continuously since my wife started nursing school back in 1988. When the blood bank out here computerized their records in 1998 they started everybody from scratch but I still got my 3 gallon pin about a year ago. My wife is a school nurse and she’s the coordinator for 4 drives annually at her school. Teachers take their elementary kids to the gym so they can see it’s not a big scary deal and then we throw a pizza party for the high schoolers who donate. Her school in a town of 2000 people often does better than our town of 25,000 at blood drives.
Been a while since I donated but I have by 1 Gallon pin…I get queazy though. Don’t like needles.
I worry the nurses too, I get so pale when they skewer me.
Been a while since I donated but I have by 1 Gallon pin…I get queazy though. Don’t like needles.
I worry the nurses too, I get so pale when they skewer me.
For years I would black out, then they learned to put ice packs all around my neck and lay me down flat. I have pretty low blood pressure(105 over 70) and so I would pass out. Now I do the double draw where they take a quart, centrifuge it to keep the red cells and re-inject the plasma. It’s supposed to make you less tired but I can barely make it home to collapse on the sofa. It’s the one day every 3 months that I know I won’t be drinking any beer.
I’ve got my 4 gallon pin, and that doesn’t count all that I donated before I moved to Seattle. It has always been very convenient for me to donate here, I actually feel bad I don’t donate more, I only go 2-3 times per year lately. It’s never bothered me at all, and having a beer on donation day isn’t out of the question.
I used to donate at work when I lived in Orlando. The Bloodmobile comes regularly to OUC’s Stanton Energy Center. It takes a lot more of a concerted effort to donate here in Puna, and it doesn’t happen so much… Go figure
Funny thing - I’d feel sleepy for a couple of days after giving a pint. Too cool! A free buzz while helping others…
Not sure how much I gave over the 15 years I worked at the Stanton Energy Center. More than two pints, I guess. They like me; I’m O negative.
Refreshing story in the age of corporate PC douchebaggery.
Been a while since I donated but I have by 1 Gallon pin…I get queazy though. Don’t like needles.
I worry the nurses too, I get so pale when they skewer me.
I’m not one for needles either but it’s a great cause.
BTW…Great article.