I’d like to brew a red IPA (5 gal. batch). I’ve got a hop schedule planned, but I’m not sure what type of malt(s) I need to get that killer red color. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
I’ve tried carared.
Hit send too quick. Carared is supposed to do the trick. I don’t care for it. Someone suggested a couple ounces of black patent and that’s the one I like best. Maybe post your grain bill so folks can suggest
I don’t really have any grain bill planned. I had planned on using some Great Western 2-row as a base malt and a pound or two of Maris Otter. Besides that, I’m up for any suggestions.
Ooosh, grain bill by committee lol. I’d go 6lbs 2R, 6lbs MO, 1lb C40, 2oz black patent and mash 2:1 at 148-150°
Won’t the Black Patent add astringency or roastiness? Would 2 oz. of de-bittered black work?
I suppose but two ounces against 13 lbs, doubt it will bring any flavor to the mix. You can also steep the roast in your sparge water, eyeballing for the color you want.
2-4oz. of a lighter colored roasted barley would be better than the Black Patent IMO.
Carafa III Special
This roasted malt is dehusked. It is very similar to a debittered black malt. No ASS-hy taste…
This, or midnight wheat.
FWIW, I’ve used 1 or 2 oz of roasted barley along with some C60 to make a red-colored beer many times, and you won’t pick up roastiness from that amount . Just throw it in at sparge, no worries.