Reddit AMA with Neva from White Labs

That was interesting.

She addressed some of the topics that have been discussed here lately, including shear stress.

It was interesting to see questions that pertain to information that I have posted on this forum asked in that discussion.  People are starting to openly question yeast-related dogma.  These types of discussion are good for the community because they open the door for other knowledgeable people join the discussion who would otherwise refrain for fear of rocking the boat.  I am fairly certain that I am the first person within the amateur brewing community to openly question the effectiveness of agitation when dealing with yeast strains that exhibit NewFlo flocculation.  NewFlo flocculation throws a huge monkey wrench into the stir plate argument.  While I do not recognize I_upvote_nothing, I believe that chino_brews on reddit is the same Chino Brews that posts to this forum.

The thread that for the actual exchange question and answer session with Neva Parker: Reddit - Dive into anything