it’s hard for reg’lar, non-brewing friends to relate to the excitement of having a GREAT brewday (like i had yesterday - 82% efficiency!) with a good fermentation taking (bubblin pretty good in less than 2 hrs after pitching my yeast and vigorous fermentation for over 24hrs).
I know the feeling very well. I had a friend stop by a little while ago while I was brewing a rauchbier. She asked why i go to all this trouble when I could just buy beer. So I asked her why she goes to all the trouble as a potter. She does great stuff and is proud of her creations, but that’s exactly how I feel about my brewing.
I know! I think it was my buddy’s mill, I have to check what he’s got his barely crusher set to. I’ve never come close to that crushing at my LHBS and I’m still working on my mill so I haven’t got in the 80s with that either.
Yes violaleebrews, I can relate to your situation. I’ve gotten the same vibe from different folks from time to time. It can be a little disheartening.
…and that’s why it’s so great to have such an awesome community here at the AHA. Most of us here are on the same page. We think alot alike. It’s a beautiful thing. :)
I am just happy to brew great tasting brew, and whether it takes another pound or two (at $.75 a pound more or less), who cares…
I’m making beer at about $.25/pint But I am happy that y’all are getting a rise out of what you’re doing… ;D