
Pretty poignant imagery there. :cry:

…I’ve had a few.

Quite recently, actually.

And now, the time is near…and I face, the final chapter…

I wouldn’t want to go through what you’re going through, Nate.  Sucks man.

Just for sh!ts and giggles - not trying to make any political statements.


I just went to a Jimmy Buffett concert with the obligatory tailgating. I decided to take a stroll with with my wife and enjoy the elaborate set-ups. And there was one that caught my attention. A handwritten sign white poster board with large black marker said:

"Occupy Margaritaville. We are the 99 proof. "    8)

with a nice personal bar below it. I loved it. Not a regret but it segues with the convo…

edited for additional content.

Could be worse. Could be raining.

I’m actually in a good mood this morning. I have a signed contract on my house, so with any luck I’ll be in a new place in Jan. And I only lost $100k on that end of the deal.