I’ve shared this on the BJCP forums in the past, but thought someone else might be in the market for an excellent ribbon supplier.
We use Southeast Ribbon & Badge out of Roxboro, NC. We scoured the local area and the web and found with shipping and local taxes they always win.
We order the Classic Single 3-Str for 1,2,3 (blue, red, white) and Triple Classic for 1,2,3 BOS (blue, red, white). Since we order over 100 of the Single the price drops to $1.50 per ribbon, the BOS ribbons are $3.80 ea since we don’t order those in volume. http://www.southeastribbon.com/custom_rosettes.htm#v
These are substantial ribbons, triple streamers with large rosettes.
Sharon does a great job and it really has saved us some money over the past 4-5 years of doing business with her. The last invoice was less than $2 per ribbon with all charges, shipping, and tax.
Are medals much more expensive than ribbons? When I’m looking around for comps to enter, I try and find the ones that (just in case I won anything) award medals and not just ribbons. I’d always assumed cost has something do with it.
Our ribbon costs had crept up over the years to about $6 before we switched to Southeast. We looked at medals, but it really didn’t make economic sense when we did due to the large volume we would have had to purchase.
Yeah Hermann Werks is the place the Falcons get our medals from as well.
When we switched to them, we cut our award prices in half. Our experience with ribbon price creep was the same as Mike’s and this was a nice dramatic shift.
The key with Hermann is to order in bulk. They’re nice enough to strike 2 years worth for our competitions (we run 2 that use the medals) and hold and charge us only for a year at a time.
We use Hermann Werks for our Hogtown Brew-Off medals as well. We also save money by ordering enough for 2 years, but we paid for the whole two years at once. Next order we’ll have to talk to them about holding them. Seems strange that they’re willing to do that, but whatever ‘werks’.