I did an Oktoberfest yesterday and noticed a crapload of grain particulates in my runoff. After collecting 7 gal. of wort, i decanted and ran thru a muslin bag. there was about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of grains in the bottom of the kettle. Would this be enough to throw off-flavors? I have been running my RIMS at full on; do you think slowing the reculation down might hepl?
What kind of false bottom are you using? With that much grain, I think you have a gap in your false bottom. I find that backing off the mill gap reduces the quantity of grain that sneaks through. I also runoff through a mesh bag so any bits get held up there, but I measure my grain bits in teaspoons, not cups. I had a round Igloo brand cooler that I used as a mash tun. The bottom would warp a little allowing lots of bits through. I now mash in a keggle with a domed round false bottom.