RIMS plans.

I have the worst set up right now and its a real struggle with moving everything around.  i need a brewing station and i was thinking of a rims setup.  i watched it on youtube and it seems so simple.  i have a 1/2 barrel i have cut the top off already amd a very talented friend who can weld stainless like a robot so thats pletty muchwhat i got.

does anyone have a nice brewing setup they dont mind me mimicing?
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I made mine from a weld cart with wheels, had a friend weld up the side folding burner stands (they fold up for storage). A lot of fun. Its made to take the lower shelf, stuff that could break if frozen, into the basement when not in use.


Mine is technically a HERMS but you might find it helpful.  My brewstand is a table with a stainless steel top that I picked up at Sams Club a couple years ago.  For more info and pics check out my blog: