Rinsing wlp002/wy1968

Anybody have luck rinsing insanely flocculant and clumpy yeasts? The two times I have tried I end up with so little clean yeast compared to normal and low flocculating yeasts. I’m guessing that much of the good stuff is getting caught up in the trub and settling too soon.

I have never figured out a way to rinse those strains. I mostly just don’t even bother rinsing anymore.

I think Martin actually did some experiments with different chemicals to try to get those yeasts to break up after floccing out and he found some but it killed most of the yeast sooooo…

I’d say either keep/reuse the whole cake or if you’re worried about flavour carryover, make a starter with a table spoon or two.

I’ve got about 5mm cake in 5 pint mason jars. I’ll combine them into one starter and see what I get. Normally I get from 2cm in each jar.

From here out I will use dubomans extra starter volume trick. Didn’t have a starter on this batch. The batch was going to be the starter.

Just don’t understand why homebrewers ever feel the need to rinse yeast. Just harvest the slurry and use it!

I saw it on YouTube once. Tried it. Don’t see the need to do it again.

I get a good amount of break material in the fermenter. In this case in particular, my whirlpool failed and I got a decent amount of hop material in there as well.

Rinsing is easy and I end up with 4-6 oz of pure white stuff in the end.

It also makes it eat to know how much yeast I am starting with. I can visual estimate the volume from both pints and quarts.