RIP Merlin RO systems

Just a FYI the merlin RO system has be discontinued, they are going to provide the filters and membranes for 5 years. So stock up. They have had alot of trouble with these. If you got one that works stock up.

That’s a shame that they are discontinuing the unit.  GE has a business model that demands high performance and if a product doesn’t meet profit expectations, its dropped.  Sorry to those that bought into it.

The Merlin system couldn’t distinguish itself from the generic RO units that could perform as well and cost less.  Added to that was that those generic systems accepted widely available membranes and filters that provide a significantly lower cost of operation ($/gal).

Name brand isn’t everything when the commodity actually becomes a commodity.

I did a little light research and maybe home use wasn’t a good market for the unit.

Ad looked pretty interesting.
On demand RO without tank that will deliver.
Too bad.

Don’t know this end of the “business” yet, but do know about a lot of RO, including a home made movement, in the sailing business. If you want to google within that context, we just call them “water makers”.