Rookie Mistake: Left some sanitizer in my keg

After all the years of brewing, this was a first for me.  I was filling two kegs and I left about 16 oz of sanitizer in the keg and filled it up.  Only when I was moving to the other did I realize I hadn’t dumped the sanitizer from the first keg.  So out of 5 gallons, it has about 16 oz of Star San in it.

Is this OK to drink?  I can’t imagine I’ll notice the taste, but thought I should ask before I put it on tap in the near future.

Personally, I would dump it.  But, as a suggestion, you can contact the manufacturer of the sanitizer, give the mixture ratio of the sanitizer and ask for advice.

That would depend on the sanitizer. If it was properly mixed Starsan it’s perfectly safe to consume, so I’d give it a taste and see how drinkable it is. Anything else and I’d either contact the manufacturer or consult the MSDS.

Yep. Like Bob said, if it’s properly mixed StarSan, it won’t hurt you…

Every time this question comes up people always parrot the same answer about it being safe to consume which it is not. Starsan contains Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid which is a surfactant/detergent and is not a food ingredient nor is it intended to be consumed. On the other hand it’s probably best to not listen to anyone on the internet about what is safe to ingest and instead do your own research.

Synonyms: 2-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid, Dodecylbenzenesulphonic Acid, Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate

Do your own research…on the internet?

That’s my favorite thing about the Internet… if you look hard enough, you can find any answer you want!  [emoji6]

I’m betting with a little effort you could tell the difference between reliable sources of scientific information as opposed to some stuff some dudes on a forum said.

I would hope so, but I’m not convinced that everyone can. The whole “do my own research” phrase has been ruined for my by people who used that as code for scouring the internet for information on the COVID vaccine, often looking to justify not getting one. I worked at a university lab for decades, where we actually DID OUR OWN RESEARCH! That means actually testing and measuring things, not just reading what other  people wrote. We called that a “literature review” or a “literature search” that we would assign to grad students at the outset of a project before doing actual research. Of course that requires access to scientific journals which are available through any good university library but are not available on the internet free of charge.

You have an excellent point.

So maybe in this instance it would be better say, in the absence of verifiable proof the default position should probably be to not consume any sanitizer. Just in case.  :slight_smile:

+1 to this ^^^^

I think that part of the issue is for as long as I have been brewing, almost 12 years now, it has always been said that you don’t have to “fear the foam”
And this i can believe to be true, however, drinking 1/2 gallon of sanitizer seems to be a bird of a different feather.


Thanks for all the responses.  I pretty much decided to dump the second keg (it was one of two from a 10 gallon batch).  While it was only 12-15 ounces of Star San in the 5 gallons, I generally share most of my beer after hockey and wouldn’t feel good about sharing that with them.  I haven’t dumped it yet, but will probably due so once I need the keg in my fall brewing schedule.