Russian Imperial IPA

I’ve been laughing and texting all my homebrewer friends over this for at least 20 minutes.

What the hell is a Russian Imperial IPA? This is the “brewery” behind the Boatswain line of beers at Trader Joe’s featuring the exquisitely awful Double IPA known as the Twin Screw Steamer (again what in the hell kinda name is that?)

Russian Imperial IPA, I think it’s missing one word… River

They have to compare it to something imperial due to the monstrous ABV it has… 5%

I wonder how they calculated the ibu contribution of the proprietary yeast used as hops.

It’s just a guess, but maybe brewer is not involved in designing the website or entering data.

:D      Same thing I was thinking. Marketing is a good thing, assuming of course your description is coherent and has some semblance of accuracy !

I think the guy who wrote this is the same one who wrote the assembly instructions for my son’s tricycle. Is this brewed in Taiwan?

Mmmm. Finishes with an easy linger.