Safe way to move from 22oz bottles to 12oz bottles?

Is there a safe way to move beer from 22oz bottles to 12oz bottles?  I brewed a beer about a month ago planning to enter it in the AHA National Homebrewers Competition.  They decided to now allow 22oz bottles this year.

More than likely moving the beer from 22 ounce bottle to 12 oz. would result in oxidation. If it’s a high alcohol beer like an imperial stout or barleywine you may be safe. If you move the beer from the bottle you would have to either re-bottle condition or re-carbonate it in a keg.

If they are allowing 22 oz bottles and your beer is already in 22 oz bottles then why do you need to move it to 12 oz bottles?  (I did not think they allowed the larger 22 oz bottles)

But, if you need to transfer here is a possible way to go about it…

  1. Sanitize your receiving bottle and get both your beer and receiving bottle as cold as you can get it without freezing it.
  2. Spray some sanitizer around underside of bottle cap and on bottle opener.
  3. Open bottle gently, and carefully and slowly pour into empty sanitized bottle.
  4. Cap with bottle cap on foam if possible. Keep them cold until shipping.

EDIT - If you can purge the receiving empty bottle with CO2 first your transfer will have a reduced chance of greater oxidation. But do keep in mind this method will still oxidize your beer to some degree.

I post wrong.  I meant they are not excepting, not now accepting.