Samuel Adams Ruby Mild

This beer is included in the current Samuel Adams Harvest Collection variety pack.

Brewer description: Inspired by mild ales of the English railway boom, Samuel Adams Ruby Mild is a smooth, sweet, malty brew with a hint of ruby color and delicate hop note.

SRM 11
IBU 20
ABV 5.7%

At 5.7% this beer is no mild. However, despite being mislabeled, I really like it. The beer has a great mix of fruity esters and caramel malt flavors.  Sam Adam color description is right on. This is a very pretty beer with great clarity. Overall, I found myself wishing for more than 2 bottles of Ruby Mild in this mix pack.

Meanwhile, I continue to wait for good commercial milds and session beers for days when I want to cut calories but still want a beer.

Mild’s being low in alcohol is a more recent occurrence - they were much stronger in the 1800s (5%+)

Will look for this one - thanks for the head’s up!

I have had Hardy and Hanson’s Cursed Galleon Mild at 5.5% in Nottingham. Might not be brewed anymore.

Then there is Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby Mild at 6.0% ABV.

Those are extreme for today, but there were much stronger molds in Victorian times.

indeed a XXX mild could run 1.100+ for OG

Sounds like mild can describe a large range of beers. My original comment is based on the BJCP category 11A Mild. This definition of milds describes beers with ABV between 2.8-4.5%.

I have had some very tasty home-brewed beers which fit into BJCP 11A. I would like commercial brewers to offer some also.

Mind you I am in Mississippi so I don’t have a great selection to draw from at the beer store.  Maybe these beers just aren’t being sold here.

yeah, modern milds are session beers. There really aren’t a lot of breweries on this side of the pond that are packaging milds. I guess that’s not totally out of line as mild was, and is still to some extent anyway, a cask conditioned beer.

Heck, I had a hard time finding cask milds on my last trip to England.  They may not be common anywhere but the Midlands, much less the Southern U.S.