Never used this strain before and I am looking forward to seeing the results. The LHBS up here in fairbanks, AK is pretty limited from what I am used to. Making my house Brown Ale tomorrow and I have it on the stir plate as we speak. Have any of you used this before and if so how does it compare to Wyeast California Ale strain?
This strain is clean like 1056/001/05 and does the job quicker than any strain I’ve used. You’ll probably see the krausen fall/airlock activity slow or stop after not much more than 3 days for an average strength beer. Don’t rush to bottle it, though - give it a couple weeks in primary and it’ll be fairly clear and ready to package.
I’ve read reports where some people feel that this strain accentuates hop bitterness a tad more and late hop character a tad less than 1056/001. There may be some truth there, but I’ve used both and like both quite a bit. Be sure to post how it comes out. Good luck !
Used it only once a long time ago, so I can’t report much. Did turn a solid 1.055 beer in 7 days.
I think Ken on the forum uses this yeast a lot.
Good to hear some positive feedback. Going to ferment at 66. This is my first beer since moving. Five months since I’ve brewed