Saratoga region scoresheets?

Just curious if anyone knows if the NY scoresheets went out this weekend or when they might. I’m curious to see how far “out of the money” I finished.


Still nothing through today (Saturday).  Anybody who entered this region get theirs yet? Or anyone involved in the organization of that region available to comment on when they’d be coming?

I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for results.

What styles did you enter? There’s a chance I judged the flight, and an even slighter chance that I remember the beer well enough to identify it.

If you entered a German Wheat or Rye, you had some very tough competition. The winners in that flight scored in the high 30s.
Other flights, that I judged, not so great.

I got my score sheets on 5/21 from Saratoga.

I also got mine. I would assume you should have them by early this week.

Well I did just find out that one of my scoresheets went to someone else, who will be forwarding it to me.