Schill Kolsch (Cologne) Malt

How much would you recommend for a Kolsch? What is the lovibond rating?

I currently use about 85% Pilsner, 10% Vienna, and 5% wheat in my kolsch and am considering replacing the wheat and vienna with cologne malt for the next attempt.

I believe I used it as 100% of the grist when I used it. I am not sure how much a difference it will make at 15%. Personally, I would go higher than that. At least 50%. I also didn’t like the Cologne malt enough to use it again. It was a very good beer. I just didn’t think it was worth the premium price.

My LHBS sells Schill Malts cheaper than any of their others so the cost to me is not exorbitant. I thought the color was darker than Vienna so assumed it would give more character than Vienna as well…

It is a bit different. Not necessarily more flavorful. It came across to me as something inbetween light Munich and Vienna. If the price is right, I say use it at very high percentage. It is cheaper for me to get the almost the same results with 85% Pils and 15% Munich. Also, I happen to like the Pils/Munich combo slightly more. YMMV.

Thanks. With the color rating (4.5L?) I could see it being somewhere in between what you mentioned.

Kölsch is a good style. From memory, I made a good one with around 85% pale, 10% vienna and 5% munich.

If you don’t already use it, Brewtarget is a good software for looking at these values.

you could go many different ways with the schill malt. spilt it 50/50 with your pils % or at full 85%kolsch malt, and then continue with your vienna and wheat %.

I use Beersmith. I have brewed Kolsch many times and was just looking for some feedback regarding this particular malt.

Thanks. I guess I was more concerned with color. At 100%, the beer would have a SRM near 5 which is darker than I prefer. At most, I would probably use it at 50%.

I think you will be very happy with it at 50%. Let us know how you like it. I may need to reevaluate that malt.

yeah I like it. using it in a cream ale as the base malt at 85% this weekend.