Does she not like hops at all, or does she just not like bitterness? I find that among my friends who are not die-hard craft beer enthusiasts, the women gravitate to my IPA’s more than the men. I am pretty sure this is because I emphasize hop flavor over hop bitterness, leading to a lot of tropical/citrus character in the beer.
I mention this because this type of beer is a great summer refresher, and is very well-suited to extract brewing.
Here’s a good recipe in this style:
Put as much water as you can boil (without getting it all over the place) in the biggest pot you have. To this add:
6 lb Pilsner DME
10 ounces Table Sugar
Stir until dissolved, then add
8 ounces CaraRed steeping grains (you could use American Crystal 20 or 40 if you can’t get CaraRed)
Turn on the heat. When the temp hits 160F, remove the steeping grains.
When this hits a boil, let it go for about 10 minutes, then kill the heat. Once all boiling activity has stopped, add:
X ounces Citra hops
X ounces Galaxy hops
Where “X” is the number of ounces gallons of water you added to your pot. Give it a good hard stir until all the hop pellets are broken up and incorporated, then stir a bit longer to creat a whirlpool effect. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Stir the pot every minute or two to get another whirlpool going.
After the 10-minute timer goes off, chill/top-off to 5.5 gallons like you normally do. For yeast, any neutral strain will work. I use US-05, fermented in the mid 60’s F.
You can dry-hop with another 1-2 ounces each of Citra and Galaxy if you’d like, but it’s not necessary. The short whirlpool at hot (but not boiling) temps gives a lot of hop flavor, and just enough bitterness for balance without being harsh or abrasive. This one should finish in the 5.5-6% ABV range, which is in range for an IPA but on the low end so you don’t get sloppy too quickly in the hot summer sun.