
Thanks to a wonderful wife I came home with a 4 pack of Dave’s beer fresh off tge farm.

Nice. I’ve had half of those

Hes about 4 miles from my grand kid’s house. Im planning on gathering an assortment for a fall party. These 4 will be enjoyed soon.

I saw the peche one at the local beer shop tonight but didn’t but it, had plenty of other things I needed to buy to take to MI.

I had the two on the left.  Both were very good.  Really want to try Cerasus.  Let us know what you think of them.

Next time you go, say hi to Dave for me.  Without him, there would be no WY1450.

I missed Dave. He was going to be there a little later but I had to run. His buddy the artist who painted the labels was there, Seaberg. He’s an interesting and great guy too.

I’m looking forward to trying the Peche this evening. I guess he bottle conditions these on pear juice instead of sugar. Artist for sure!

Use the dregs for something interesting…

Wife drank the dregs from the Peche lol. We thought that Peche was ridiculously good. The Tripel is one of the best I’ve had. She’s not a fan, of any Tripel for that matter.

The other two we’ll hit next week.

Very cool mix. I wish I was able to get some of his beer here in the Mid-Atlantic. Enjoy!

Seaberg was there when we visited in April. Definitely an entertaining feller.

All of those beers are ridiculously good. I wish we had saved more room in our luggage to bring back more bottles than we did.