I ended up ordering an Anvil Fermenter from a homebrew shop, when I received it… long scratches throughout the interior.
I talked to Anvil, they ended up sending a replacement out. When I got the replacement, I opened it up and found:
In the photo you can see multiple scratches on the ID, as well as a long vertical forming defect. I’m not necessarily concerned about the forming defect, but I’m worried about scratches harboring bacteria. Also, I’ve spent a good chunk of money on this, and kind of expected better finish from a Blichmann/Palmer product. Any thoughts? Right now I’m thinking I’m going to try and return it, and go with an SS Brewtech Brewbucket. The finish on my Mini’s seems like head and shoulders above what I’ve seen so far.
Will the pressed volume marks harbor bacteria? I can’t see your images, so, take my input with a grain of salt. Most scratches I have seen from other posts like this look much shallower and easier to clean than the volume marks. But, I’m no expert. Just my 2 cents.
Isn’t that a brushed stainless steel finish on the interior? That has the opportunity to harbor organics and organisms too. However, I found that it didn’t happen in my stainless conical. If you’re really concerned with scratches, you should be looking for a polished stainless finish.