Second batch

So this is my second time brewing and not sure of this is normal. I brewed this on Wednesday so it’s now the third day. My first beer did not foam up this much. Did I maybe put to much yeast?

What type of beer and what yeast?  Looks great!  RDWHAHB!

EDIT:  Can’t tell but you may want to put a blow off tube on there if you have an airlock currently.

Its the West Coast Radical Kit from the Northern Brewer, yeast is Fermentis US-05 ale yeast

It’s kicking!  Looks healthy to me.  Put a blow off tube on there though…

Had me scared this morning lol. Thanks!

It looks fine, but I second the blowoff tube recommendation, at least for a few days until the vigorous fermentation backs off a little.

Totally normal. I looked at that and called US-05 right away. Is this a 1 gal batch? Looks like I see a handle on the jug. That could be why the Krausen (that foamy layer on top) looks a little different. Every beer will look a little different during fermentation. After this dies down after the first couple days, you might have a layer of foam on top that lasts almost until you bottle it. US-05 also likes to stick around in that sense. You can gently rock\swirl the container to help settle that out when you are closer to bottling time after fermentation is complete.