Second Brew day in the bucket!

Since I work third shift, I thought it was going to be impossible to get out of bed around noon.
But, not on Brew Day!

22lbs. of Clover Honey, 6.5 gal fermenter, some D-47 yeast, (nutrients and energizer) and the mead begins.
Both Tyler and I are very stoked about the outcome!

Started the Imperial Blond, and we got the LME a little too warm. :o
Scorched a little on the bottom and its a light tan color.  :-\
I enjoyed this brew day so much more than the first!
We hit the OG at  1.070!
BAM! On the nose!! POW!

Anyone drink from the hydrometer after you pitch and seal the fermenter?
I do, a little preview of what to expect.
This beer is going to be great with a slice of citrus.
I don’t REALLY care about the color, we hit the OG.
Once we get that, we can get to color and clarity next.
Baby steps, right?

Now, I’m trying to find the schedule for adding the nutrients and energizer. I know it was 4.5g and 2g, but
can’t remember for which one. I read it in an article on the AHA site, anyone know exactly where it is?

Sounds like you had a ball, if so you did it right!

We did!
Even after I put the bag of ice on top the hot burner on the stove. ::slight_smile:


Only one way to learn something like that

I know, right! I was stupidly in a rush to get the temperature crashed to 70 degrees.
Lesson learned!

I always drink the hydrometer sample even though it tells me very little about the finished product.

I do, just to get an idea of how we did, and also as a little ritual of partnership between my buddy and me.

■■■■ the bed, Fred! The nutrients and booster work!