I using MJs M42 for the first time, and wonder how fast fermentation typically occurs?
I normally give my brews a full two weeks in the primary before cold crashing and bottling, and yes, I do take FG readings two days apart until I get identical readings.
I’m fermenting a porter at 67 F and OG of 1.055.
I 'd like to take some to a family reunion on June 30th. By June 21. the beer will have been in the primary for 11 days. I’m thinking about taking the first FG reading then and then again on Friday 6-23 at 13 days in the primary. If readings are identical then cold crashing and bottling on Monday 6-26. Hopefully 5 days would be enough for at least minimum carbonation in the bottle since porters aren’t carbonated too highly anyway.
Could I possibly take the first FG level at 9 days in primary, second at 11 days out, cold crash and bottle at 13 days out and still get good beer? or, is that just pushing the yeast too much?
Thanks in advance for your comments.