separating yeast from hop pellet debris in dry hopped slurry

I have some vermont yeast fermenting an APA which I want to recover from slurry to use in an IPA.
I’ve dry hopped with pellets in primary.

Do I need to separate the yeast from the dry hop debris in order to re - use the yeast (i.e. will the hop debris adversely affect the flavour of my IPA?)

If i do need to separate does anyone have tips for an effective, sanitary filtering technique?


You won’t need to worry about the dry hop debris.  I regularly use yeast from a IPA for an amber ale.  Centennial in the IPA and Cascade in the amber ale.  There is some aroma left but most of the goodness of the dry hop will be in the previous beer.

Are you fermenting in a carboy?  Swirl up the beer and trub in the fermentor and lay it on its side.  Use rolled up towels to prevent it from rolling.  In about 15 minutes you will see a clearer line of beer at the top.  Have a couple of sanitized pint jars ready to pour in.  Some of the hop debris will be left in the fermentor with the remaining yeast.  After a day in the refrigerator the beer will separate from the remaining yeast and hop debris.  You will see very little hop debris in the jars if you had filtered out the boil hops during the pour into the fermentor.

The hop debris can help protect the yeast in storage.

thanks for your advice