Servomyces Yeast Nutrient

I just used this on Sunday night for the first time , I put the whole capsule in with 10 mins left in the boil but it didn’t seem to want to dissolve. So I took it out tossed it and put a new one in splitting the capsule open and dumping the ingredients in. This is gonna sound stupid but what is the right way to add this supplment?

Either way works. It’s always dissolved for me in the past, but you can totally open it and dump in the contents if you forget until late in the batch or are otherwise concerned about it dissolving.  No problem.

Thanks … sucks that I wasted one capsule but the yeasties got a little extra I guess.

Yeah, it’s a bummer to waste a couple of bucks, but at least the batch will be fine, right?

See if you can find one of the larger 10 g packs of servo for 10 HL batches.  I diluted one down with table sugar so now I use 1/4 tsp per 5 gallons.  It works great, and is a lot cheaper than the capsules.

I have been using left over dry yeast 11g and 6gr packs as a nutrient added w/ 10 mins left in the boil with success as my FG has been fairly spot on ( when I remember to add them )  ::)  but I wanted to see if there was any difference or if I can reduce the time until I rack to my secondary.

One of them lasts me a whole year.  I usually get them at the Colorado Springs brewing symposium, but I didn’t make it this year.  Where do you get the 10g packets?

In my case you get them from your LHBS who has them sent to him by accident and no one wants to buy them even after he marks them down to $4 so he ends up giving them to you.  There has to be another source though.  How do you dilute it down, do you use table sugar too?

Huh, that’s how I got my Palisade hops.  :wink:

What y’all talking about?

I been using the wyeast tube of yeast nutrient and find for the money it may be the better value.
I used Servo adamantly for several years and now I am not so sure it is worth the xtra… ???

It’s hard to argue with free though :slight_smile:

When I run out of servo I’ll switch.

I never thought of that.  I use a “pinch” for starters and 1/8 tsp for 5 gallon brews.

Isn’t 1/8 tsp good for a barrel of beer or so?  I can’t remember, I measured it at one point but no longer needed to know so it was in scratch space. :slight_smile:

The packet is for 10 bbl I think.  I guess I could measure out the whole packet and divide by 5 = 62.  Sounds like I’m pretty close.

Maybe, I don’t remember.  But if there’s 62 x 1/8 tsp in there, that’s 2.6 Tbs . . . I don’t think there was that much in the 10g packet, but I could be wrong.  Meh.  There’s no danger from over using it, and it’s working for you so no problem. :slight_smile:

It would surely last longer if I didn’t need to use that much.  I’ll weigh it out the next time I get a new packet.

Well, it’s 10 grams for 10 hl / bbl, so that works out to ~0.18 grams per 5 gallons.  That’s not much at all.

Doh!  :-[


You really might not be that far off, I don’t know how much 1/8 tsp weighs.  Probably less than sugar, which is about 0.5 grams per 1/8 tsp I think.