SG 1018 after 7 days fermenting

Hi homebrewers

I´m from Portugal and i just brew my first batch 7 days ago. I join your forum some weeks ago, in order to learn with your expertise and grew up as homebrewer.

I´m a litle bit worried with the SG(1018) of my beer after 7 days fermenting, however was my first reading. Airlock dont show to much activity, like a booble per minute. Started with an OG 1044.

There is cold at this moment in Portugal, and the fermenter bucket thermometer shows beetween 16 and 18 degrees celsius. All fermentation were processed around 18ºc room temperature.

I made a Australian Pale Ale from Coopers with 1 can of 1,7Kg, and added 6oogr of dry pale malt extract, 400gr dextrose and 250gr maltodrextine. As our online shops didn´t have EB2, i bought the ingridients separately, and change a litle bit the formula, as i wanted a bit more body and abv.

So, i´m having a stuck fermentation?

I just see 2 factors, temperature low wich can lead yeast to go dormant or the maltodextrine adition as a no fermentable ingridient. Underpitched i think is not the problem as i put the packet of Coopers yeast of the kit.

I tasted, and was a litle bit “green” and bitter, as well is hazy/cloudy (Coppers yeast are medium attenuation and floculation?)

Should i transfer for a secondary and or transfering the bucket to warmer room?

Best Regards

it sounds like it still tastes yeasty. that’s a good sign. 16c is a bit cold but not disastrous. I;m not familiar with that yeast in particular but what size was it? 5 grams for 20 liters is pushing it but 11.5 grams is okay. so you might well have underpitched some but you also included 250 grams of maltodextrin. that’s going to up your FG considerably.

you don’t mention it tasteing sweet so it could well be the maltodextrin and it’s just done but if you can warm it up to around 20c at this point and give the fermenter a gentle swirl it might come down another point of two.

don’t get too hung up on the numbers. The most important test when it comes down to it is how does it taste?

Thanks for your prompt reply

Yes, flavour is kind of yeasty. The package of yeast i think was 7 to 7,5 grams and the kit is prepared for 23 litres batch. However normaly they sell the kit and Brewenhancer 2 wich is 500g dextrose, 250g maltodextrine and 250LDME to add to the kit, i just change a “bit”(or a lot). I´m going to transfer for another room and try to reach 20ºc and gonna pray to beer god.