I am going to make my first saison with French Saison yeast (WY3711) this weekend. Shooting for 6.0 ABV… a nice summer beer.
Got some Sorachi Ace hops, because that’s what people are doing these days, I guess!
I loved the Saisons in Belgium… dry and BITTER! None of this sweet, spicy nonesense.
Should I FWH the Sorachis? What is the flavor like? Is the flavor very non-traditional in the context of a saison? I don’t think of saisons as having a lot of hop flavor anyway.
We drop in now and again just to thank everyone for helping to make our start-up a success. Two months after our initial promotion we can officially say that we have been well received and our products have done well. We brewed with our syrups for quite a while before releasing them into the wild so we weren’t completely surprised by this but we wanted to say thank you for giving us the opportunity to prove our hard work.
This coming year some of our long-aged brews will be sent around the country to demonstrate the results of our candi syrups, (our brew of Denny’s 400th won’t be ready for at least 8 months but that is for our medicinal consumption ) . We also hope to be at the NHC next year. Running CSI has been very close to 16/7 so we haven’t had too much free time. Now that we’ve hit our stride and are selling some bulk and have some vendors on board we will be adding new products periodically as well. Sorry for the promotion mania. Getting the word out is uphill even when you have a very good product. I think you’ll all find our syrups will exceed your expectations. Again, many thanks for giving us a chance to prove ourselves. We are grateful.
Michael Williams
Senior Partner, Candi Syrup, Inc.