Shreier two row

I asked about this in another thread but it was kinda off topic and the thread moved in a different direction so I broke this out into its own thread.

A local shop that specializes in distilling supplies sells shreier two row from cargill at a very cheap price. I’ve never seen this brand at any other shop and it seems like any discussion in homebrewing circles about it drops off in the early 2000s. It seems to carry a reputation similar to Briess two row. Do you any of you brewers longer in the acrospire have an opinion on this grain?

I used Schreier 2-row in the nineties.  Schreier 2-row was a big step up from Briess 2-row, which is bottom of the barrel in my humble opinion.

The conversions drop off around 2000 because I believe that that was around the time when the commodities giant Cargill took control of the company.  I know that Cargill purchased Shreier’s controlling interest in Prairie Malt in Canada in 1998.