Hello AHA members, I started homebrewing about a year ago and all I’ve done is extract brewing and I would like to get into all grain brewing. I’ve done some research and I heard about single temp infusion and how it’s the fastest and cheapest (equipment wise ) style of all grain brewing, however I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews on this style, some saying it’s excellent and some saying you’ll get an inferior product compared to one from other styles of all grain brewing. so I was just wondering if I could get some of your opinions on this style good or bad to help me decide oh which type of system to invest in.
I’d say that a single infusion mash is all you need almost always. Other techniques are optional and off little benefit in my experience. There are occasional time when you might want to do a protein rest, but that depends solely on the grist you use. There are other times a step infusion or decoction may be what you want to do, but those are never a requirement.
As to the system, go Cheap’n’Easy…www.dennybrew.com
I was in the same camp as you a couple months ago and so here are my thoughts.
Regardless of the style of mashing/sparing you intend to do, you’re gonna need a large pot to boil in, ingredients, a way to boil the wort and heat water etc. So the only difference that I can see is the initial cost outlay for a system to try single infusion mashing. Basically, I spent $50 on a cooler and braided line as outlined on Denny’s site. That’s about all I can think of that I spent that I wouldn’t need regardless. To me, it is so simple and easy that I’d spend the $50 and start this way and then you can see what you think.
Best part of it for me was that it has taught me a lot of the basics of all-grain without being overly complicated. It may be the last method I try or just a stepping stone to something else but regardless, I am very glad I took this step.
I’ve brewed 3 all grain beer so far and only the first has been tasted but it is very, very good. Better than any extract beer so far but I am sure many others could brew better extract beers. And I admit, there’s a bit of personal pride in the taste just because I was able to do the entire process myself.
I’ve also found it very easy to get better with this method. My first beer was 65% efficiency, my next 83% and my last 87%.
I may not have the best or final system yet but this is darn good way to get experience with all grain for a minimal capital outlay and what you learn with this approach will undoubtedly help you as you move further.
Hope that helps.
99.5% of the time, single infusion is not only the easiest, but the best way to mash a beer. While people can have opinions about differences in decoction or step mashing on beer taste, I don’t know of any actual scientific studies that showed any difference. The .5% of the time is when you are making certain styles with large amounts of unmalted and unflaked grains. Even those, you can use torrified or flaked and single mashing and get very close.
In fact, you can probably brew anything you want with today’s highly modified malts and single infusion. It is simply for the fun of it that you would do anything else. Like brewing with gruit instead of hops, some people just like to do it the old fashioned way for the fun of it.
I definitely agree with all that has been said here about single step infusion. I find that single step infusion is a great way to start out and makes great beer. It keeps the method simple enough so you can get a feel for the process then move on to other methods if you choose. I have done a step infusion a few times when I have used large amounts of adjuncts. It is not terribly difficult although it is more time consuming.