Single tier brewframe with diverter panel

I started homebrewing in the early 80’s and brewed professionally in the 90’s

I returned to electronics in the 00’s

I decided to get back into homebrewing about two years ago. It took me about a year to gather the parts and assemble the system.

I recently made a few upgrades and here are the latest photos.

The system was designed to come close to the brewpub gear I had brewed on.

The brewing water comes into the frame through a sanitary rated hose and an in-line water filter. I can attatch a hose to the valve in the center of the panle ans use filter water to fill the vessels, prime the pumps, or push the end of the wort through the CFC.

The vessel on the right is the HLT, propane fired. It has a sight glass and an extra fitting towards the top so I can recirculate the water while heating to avoid any stratification of temps.

The center vessel is the brew kettle. Also with a sight glass and another fitting to allow me to whirlpool after boiling.

The old Gott cooler is used as a mash/lauter tun. I use an old Phil’s Phalse Bottom in it.

I have two March 809 pumps behond the panel. The camlock quick disconnects allow me to move liquid from one place to another very easily.

I typically do single infusion and fly sparging.

As mentioned, the kettle is set up for whirlpooling at the end of the boil.

That is my whirlpool fitting.

I come out of the kettle and go through one of the pumps into a CFC.

I have recently put together an inline O2 system with temp monitoring.


All hoses are 1/2" silicone.

I had been using this system for about a year and have 30 batches through it. I have brewed another two since upgrading the disconnects from the McMaster-Carr brass fittings to the stainless camlocks.

I far prefer the camlocks and they are less expensive. They can be found at Pro Flow Dynamics

very nice indeed… i feel the need for a build coming on

Looks great! Thanks for the camlock link . .

that’s pretty killer wayne

what are you using as a pickup tube?

Very nice indeed!

How do you clean the system after brewing?

Hawtness. The diverter panel was one of the things I had always wanted to do but was too lazy.

You are welcome. I found the folks there to be very helpful.

I’m not quite sure what you mean. The kettle outlet is an elbow pointing down with a close nipple screwed into it.

Here is a picture of the kettle with a small trub pile after brewing a Blond Ale

The grain in the MLT is dumped then the MLT is rinsed and mechanically scrubbed out with PBW and a ScotchBrite scrubbie.

The kettle gets the same treatment. Every other brew I use some Five Star Acid 5 in the kettle to remove beer stone build up.

The CFC gets warm PBW pumped through it in a recirculation loop until the liquid changes color. I dump the darker liquid and recirculate a bit more. I them rinse the CFC in both directions. I sanitize my fermenter, pump and hoses by recirculating Sani-Clean through them during the time it takes to mash.

That rocks! It looks like a diverter/control panel on a Specific Mechanical system.  8)

Exactly!! That was what I based the design on. The first pub system I brewed on was a Specific. So was the last one.

In between I did brew on more automated systems but I feel I made my best beer on the simpler gear.

Simpler is better IMHO. I used to brew on one, so I immediately recognized the design. I’ve also brewed on Newlands & Pub Systems, but you can’t beat SMS for reliability. Great job!  :wink:

wayne - that’s exactly what I was asking about, thanks!

wayne - do you have the McMaster part numbers for this assembly?  or the one above with the elbow and nipple for your pickup tube?

I am thinking about using either one as a pickup tube (probably the one you are using for whirlpool though), but will need to attach a screen for whole hops I’d think.


The whirlpool fitting was purchased from Bargain Fittings

Wayne was a great help. He bent the stainless tube to fit the curvature of my keggle. He also put together all the fittings I needed for my oxygenation system.

I really wanted to use stainless steel Cam-locks for disconnects. At the time they were far too expensive. Recently a vendor started offering these connectors from off shore at a price lower than the brass disconnects.I think some of you might enjoy this variation on the single tier design. I have tried to replicate some of the features of the brewpub systems I have used.

Wayne - thanks for sending me there - Wayne was super helpful and I ordered my pieces Sat morning and had them when I got home from work.

Got both a side and center pick up to test out which way I want to proceed.
