
I poured a 3-4oz bottle of Sinmar color changer into my 5 gal pilsner with out boiling it, and it caused an infection in my beer.  I’ve never gotten an unexpected infection in my beers and I should have know better and boiled it.

Will boiling Sinmar change the flavor?  I should have boiled it… As of now adding 3-4oz of Sinmar to a 5 gal batch of pilsner adds a roasty chalky flavor to the already crisp dry lager and produces a murky brown color.  The infection hasn’t changed the flavor much, but it has dried it out past the final gravity and leads to an even drier carbonic bite contribution (it’s bottled).

Please contribute your sinmar experiences.

Nope, boiling Sinamar doesn’t change the flavor.  90% of the time I use it I add it to the boil.  When I use it post boil, I add it to a bit of water and boil it in the microwave before adding it to the beer.

Clearly that’s what I should of done.