Siphoning wort into Counterflow wort chiller

Yesterday I brewed an all grain batch.  This is my second official all grain batch (the first won me a 1st place in my category and 2nd overall in a local homebrew competition) and this is the first time I have used my newly constructed counterflow wort chiller.  I used a copper racking cane that I made, connected with flexible PEX tubing with a valve right above the wort inlet on the chiller.  My problem is with the siphon.  Both when I practiced with cool cleansing solution as well as with the real deal, when I would get the siphon working, it would stop right at about half the volume of the brew pot.  I have a picture attached below to help demonstrate how this all went down.  Does anyone have any idea why my siphon fails like this or have any of you had troubles in this nature?

You might try hanging the CFC on one of the pot handles so the column of fluid PULLS through the chiller instead of trying to push through it.  There is probably not enough pressure on the high side of the siphon to overcome the resistance of the CFC tubing. I can’t tell if the coil is big enough, but you could even put the pot in the middle of the CFC.

IMO it took great big brass b@11s to lift a pot of boiling wort that high. (Unless you are 6’8" or so.)


If you stayed with gravity, you could put the CFC within the top red milk crate (might have to trim out some of the plastic w/in the crate).  Heightwise, it would put it between the kettle and the carboy.

Pump would be the better way to go.  (cost around $130, I think). 
It would also be a little safer and easier than lifting a big pot up that high.

U wish a slow wort/fast coolant setup so what U have is OK if U put the CFC on a table so it is below the bottom of the pot and above the top of the fermenter BUT U can do better for few bux.
…I didn’t get the big bux pump for my CFC setup preferring a “pass through” pond pump"

which is NOT good for high temps but since U will have cooled the wort PRE-pump with the CFC it will do fine-get at least 350 GPH.I have my Chillzilla strapped in the top of a larger than U show crate and just below it is the pump also strapped in so it is a compact easily handled unit and  I have wort bucket on burner stand which sits on ply wood on a tripod of 3 single crates so it is burner+crtae height-'bout 2 feet-not as exciting as your setup but I’m an older guy and have had enough excitement in brewing already   :slight_smile:
This like most pumps is non priming so I originally would start a siphon from a bucket of water as high as the fluid level of the wort and once I got flow through the system would start the pump and the CFC and when the water changed to wort-last few feet of system should be clear tubing-I would plop tube into fermenter.
  A few months ago I bought a simple hand pump from HFreight

So i now just begin delivery right from wort pot since hand pump has enough draw to pull through the whole system