Hello all, I thought I saw an answer to this question in some hole on the web, but can’t seem to find it again. I just started a 5.5 gallon batch of Skeeter Pee, and am just about to pitch the yeast. I have the primary bucket covered with a dish towel, but am wondering if I am supposed to use a lid with an airlock once I add the yeast? Or do I not use a lid/airlock until I transfer to secondary once I am down to 0.98-1.00 FG?
Pardon me if this has been answered before!
I always use a lid with an airlock once the wort is in the fermenter. A towel is very old school but I don’t it add any benefits. To me, it only increases risk of some infection finding it’s way in.
To reduce the risk unwanted infection, use a piece of sanitized saran wrap or aluminum foil while waiting to pitch. If you want to be safe, use an airlock during fermentation.