Slobber Knocker IIPA

Sunday’s brew is going to be my biggest IPA yet. It will utilize 22 oz of hops. I’m going for the pine/resin/dank flavor and aroma.

5.5 gal
OG = 1.080
60 minute mash at 150

13 lb two row
1 lb 5 oz Munich
8 oz C40

1 lb corn sugar

FWH = 1/2 oz each Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial
60 min = 1/2 oz each Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial
10 min = 1 oz each Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial
0 min = 1.5 oz each Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial
Dry Hop in secondary with 2 oz each Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial

WLP 001

That will be a very good beer, Frank. Almost a carbon copy of one of my big IIPAs- I think I mashed 149for 90, otherwise negligible. Nice.

I have a three gallon batch of IIPA going that’ll have close to 9 ounces: feels kind of wimpy now.

Nah… It will be great. This is just going to be obnoxious. I’m thinking about moving the FWH out to 0 minutes.

I’m still going to add another ounce to the dry hop.

By the way: love the name, that’s what I call my American barleywine recipe.

What do you use to ferment a small batch? A 5 gal bucket/carboy etc seems too big.

I do three gallon batches in five gallon carboys. No issues, as there’s plenty of C02 being expelled once fermentation kicks in. I also have some three gallon carboys I use for aging small batches.

+1.  I do 5.5 gallon batches in 8 gallon fermenters.  No worries.

Me too. I also have a couple of 2.8 gallon carboys for batches that stray a bit below three gallons.

I do everything from 2.5 gallons up in 6.5 gallon buckets. Smaller goes in a 3 gallon better bottle.

I racked this Friday after three weeks in the primary onto the 8 oz of dry hops. I hit a record in dryness in any pale beer that I’ve brewed. The gravity is at a dangerously drinkable 1.007. Since I overshot my volume, I’m sitting at 8.777% ABV.