Smuttynose Robust Porter

Just picked up a six of this last night and its fantastic! One of the best porters I’ve had in a long time. Carbonation was spot-on, hints of roasty chocolate and coffee. very drinkable.

The only bad thing I can say about it is the label design, it looks like they went with “My sister’s friend’s son in high schoool has a computer, maybe he can design it for you”.

From their website:

OG: 1064 TG: 1018
Grain Bill: pale 2-row, carastan, dark crystal, special “B,” chocolate
Hops: Cascade
IBU’s: 45
Color/Number: Dark chocolate brown
ABV 5.7%

I’ve liked the smutty beers I’ve had.  Good stuff :slight_smile:


I really like their Old Brown Dog Ale as well. It’s a real classic.

Any recipes for this great beer?

I love the fact that I can be at the brewery in 30-40 minutes.  New tanks are being installed ( until new brewery is done ) so production is coming back to NH ( some is done in NY somewhere ).