SNS or stirred starter for doppelbock?

Hi guys
So I will be making (I hope) a doppelbock this weekend, but I’m a little uncertain whether my normal SNS starter method will be sufficient for a  larger fermentation with an OG at 1080.
The yeast is wlp833.
I’m assuming it’s borderline with the SNS starter method?
What are your experiences? Should I just go for the SNS or dig out the equipment for a stirred starter?

Based on my experience, it will probably be fine but you’re on the edge.  A friend recently experimented with an SNS variation for a 1.085 beer.  He used 2 packs of yeast in a qt. of 1.035 wort.  He reported fermentation starting in 5 hours and grea toverall performance.

Regardless of the aeration method, I’d up the starter size for a big beer, let alone a big lager. For me, that would mean 3 L of 8°P wort on a stirplate, but YMMV.

I’d say the same, but the 2 packs in 1 qt. has  been shown to be effective.  Enough so that I’ll be giving it a go.

Just an update.
I did a 2 pack SNS starter.
OG: 1081
FG: 1028
So basically, could probably have done with a “classic” stater or a starter beer.
The beer tastes pretty good, but rather sweet [emoji6]

Have you made that recipe before?  Unless you have and have gotten different results, it could be due to either the yeast or the recipe.

True, no I have not. It is straight from BCS and to date I have not had a recipe from that book be that far off. 65% attenuation also seems low.
But as said it’s rather tasty so will probably brew again…with a larger starter…

I have had less than great experiences with a lot of the recipes from that book.  The first time, when I brew them exactly, they often don’t turn out like I expect and it takes a few iterations and tweaks to get them to where I want to be.

Are you checking FG with a hydrometer or refractometer?


Did you mash at the BCS recommended 158*F?  Maybe mashing lower could help get the FG down.