OK so I got a nice Irish red ale going and it should be about time to rack into the keg…like tonite ;D now about those SG readings… I usually do most of them with an atc refractometer but recently have been reading on the issues with the alcohol making another step necessary to get an accurate FG when using a refractometer.
So here’s where I am and what I got… OG on the batch into the fermenter was 1.055 @a volume of 5.5 gal,
72 deg… fermentation was brisk and finally completed today IMO( 3 days of very minimal activity in the airlock…10th day of fermentation) so I am ready to rack into the keg for the ageing and take a FG of 1.027 with the refractometer… knowing that the alcohol is going to make this an invalid reading without correction do the hydrometer and get 1.012 FG…which I would think is about right for it and Beer smith says it should be 1.013… did I hit the number?
So my question is can I do the OG with the atc refractometer and the FG with the hydrometer and be reasonably assured that my numbers are accurate? or do I need to do it with all Refractometer readings and correct or do them all with the hydrometer?