Source for a 4000ml Erlenmeyer Flask


Anybody have one for sale or a good source for a usable 4000ml Flask?


Have always had good luck with for all that lab supply sort of stuff…

thanks for the help hokerer.

Thanks! I’ve been eying some things like a hot plate/stirrer. Cheapest I found there was $260. Not bad but still a little pricey.

I can email you plans to make your own if you would like.

I made a crappy one out of a fan but it doesn’t heat, which I want.

A source for heating plates I found is the local colleges.  They seem to get endless grants/tax dollars and are replacing equipment often and have auctions onces a month/every other month for all the used equipment.  Maybe you have one close to you to investigate.

Kinda hit and miss but $10-$20 for a $300 used heated stir plate is an awesome find.

That’s a great idea! I have quite a few close by that can be checked!