Space Dust Change?

So after slaving away on a kitchen remodel, my wife brought home a 6 of Space Dust to reward a week of hard work.  Normally, it is a top notch west coast IPA dry, hoppy and clean.  This was not it and I’m wondering if anyone else has seen this change?

I haven’t heard of a change (not that I necessarily would).  Usually IPAs change dramatically with time though.  Can you read the date on the bottles?

Yeah, that’s what I’d suspect, too.
It saddens me though, that Elysian has joined the Dark Side.  With AB’s lock on the distribution side of the house, I just can’t bring myself to buy their stuff any more.  Too many other good little guys around who face an uphill battle just getting distribution.  My $ will generally go to the little guys instead (though there are always exceptions).