Sparge Water vessel

I just purchased a 10 gallon igloo cooler for mashing. Will I need a another 10 gallon cooler for sparge water or will a 5 gallon work as well. I plan to do all grain brewing and fly sparge.

Thank you

No straight answer. It depends on how much sparge water you will need. You might be able to use the five and top off as it gets lower, but I would opt for the larger.

Yep.  OP - This calculator is handy - it tells you how much grain you can mash in your cooler based on mash thickness. Scroll down to  ‘Can I Mash It’  :

I’d get the 10gl. You might end up cussing at yourself if you ever need more than 5gl of sparge water.

Are you making 5 gallon batches?

If you batch sparge (like you should  ;)) you can do 5 gallon batches with a 5 gallon cooler for sparge water.