Special Delivery from The Beerery

Bryan hooked me up unexpectedly this past weekend with some of the dynamite beers he’s making in that basement of his. He even hooked me up with a a Die Beerery Maß:

You know, some small part of (very small at this point) still thought that maybe what I was tasting in my beers was in my head. Not only do I have zero doubt now, I have some work to do…

Pale Ale is easily in my top 3 best IPA/APA I’ve ever had. Great color. Aroma of an IPA with drinkability and smooth flavor of an APA.

Märzen was also excellent. Nice faint sulfur nose out of the can. Flavor was subtle sweetness on the front of the palate with slight caramel and fresh biscuits. Could taste the Sauergut clear as day on the swallow. For a guy who is in a lager drought right now, this was a revelation.

Bryan, you already know what’s up. You’ll have a package coming your way in the near future…

[emoji3] cool

Oh, that looks so good! Can we develop a cyber-tasting technology now?

Very cool. Beers look great

They held up well. He overnighted them so there was not a ton of travel, but who knows the type of abuse they went through. They tasted fantastic so as far as QC type stuff is concerned, i’d say they hold up well in the can.

Yeah. I don’t doubt his packaging is stellar. Pretty cool.

You suck :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually I packed the cans 1 week apart, and sent samples via 2 day.

Very cool

So I guess you’re pleased with the shelf life of your cans?  Very cool.

I didn’t know this thread existed or else I would have posted back then. Heh, that’s funny…

These beers were definitely excellent.

The color of the beer is gorgeous. Great result from Brian, not even considering that it’s a homemade beer from the cellar. I really appreciate homebrewers because they are the only ones you can buy genuine and natural beer from today. Drinking store-bought beer or beer at a bar with a 200% markup isn’t a pleasant experience. So I would love to order from 10 cans. I knew a couple of guys I ordered beers with delivery from. Still, I had a conflict with them as the delivery was delayed, and I got a claim when I asked for a refund. Although I use sendungsverfolgungpost.de and can see the location of the package.

You can’t buy homebrew.  It’s illegal to sell it.

True in the USA.  Might not necessarily be true in other nations (I am not sure about Germany).

But you can give it away! As we often do, 5 gallons at a time. Just gave a way 10 gallons to a neighbor. He has them on tap in his bar now.

But Bryan is in the US, I’m pretty certain.

Spam is getting weird.  But Bryan can send me some cans for free anytime.

And caesduman is not.