Is there a preferred material for the spoon I’ll use to stir the wort (stainless steel kettle)? Wood, SS, etc. Thanks.
When your boiling it really doesn’t matter, but I use a long SST spoon anyway.
I use a silicon spoonula but mostly just because that’s what I have around. If your talking about stirring while chilling then go with something that can be sanitized (stainless is first choice but the silicon seems to work well at least so far **knock on wood **)
I use a long wooden paddle to stir the kettle and a long SS spoon to stir the mash.
I use a large SS spoon for the mash and boil.
i have a piece of oak that i have marks on for the kettle depth (volume) use it for everything. it doesn’t get hot when in the boil either.
+1. Mine is a BIG wooden spoon that my carpenter buddy made for me in his garage a long time ago. It’s notched with all my kettle measurements as well. Gotta like a good multipurpose tool !
I have one of these. I use it for both the mash and boil kettle. I also use a long, slotted stainless spoon for aerating and punching down meads.
I use a long stainless spoon like above. It doesn’t matter so much for stirring wort, but it is easily sanitized for stirring priming sugar or anything else into finished beer.
I have a wooden mash fork for the mash. A wooden paddle for the boil, but that comes out before flameout and the long SS spoon goes in. A long time ago I had a long plastic spoon, but that finally got some cracks, then it broke.